Called to serve God by increasing awareness of His presence and declaring His love

Who’s Who In The Church?

Rev Andrew Robinson

Sue Frank

Senior Church Steward
Margaret Horner

Church Steward
Joyce Binns

Church Steward
Judith Wright

Principal Organist
Mr Happy

Happy to see you!
Sue Frank

Pastoral Visitors Co-Ordinator
Emma Thompson

Church Council & AGM Secretary
Lesley Jackson

Toddlers Group Leader & Cradle Roll Secretary
Church Mouse

Little Church Mouse is on a mission - to spread love & Christian Values through humor - giving a free smile to everyone, everywhere, every time.
Lesley Jackson

Finance Team Leader
Situation Vacant

Finance & Property Secretary
Situation Vacant

Property Steward
Margaret Horner

Circuit Steward
Mr Strong
Needed for all those BIG jobs!
June McCleave

Communion Steward
Lesley Jackson

Church Notices, Diary Plus Extra, Publicity & Website Coordinator
Sandra Thompson

Communion Steward
Joyce Binns

Communion Steward
Dorothy Mair

Shoppers' Service
Clare Ibbotson

Circuit Support Manager
Little Miss Helpful

Helping here ... helping there!
Pauline Dale

Church Flowers
Billy McClelland
VA Team
Little Miss Busy

Busy doing this & busy doing that!
Molly Day

Action for Children
Lesley Jackson
Bookings & Lettings
Christine Ridgeway

Lesley Jackson
Churches Together, Christian Aid & Traidcraft Representative
Ann Keene

Churches Together & Catering

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As part of your private devotions, please pray for the people who give their time to work for our Church.


We welcome all those who come into our Church to Worship and we hope you enjoy your time here.