The Heritage Room
The Heritage Room
All the materials which comprise the full collection of books, DVD’s and audio books from the Christian Book Promotion Trust have now arrived and they are in the process of being catalogued, labelled and so on. In order to encourage people to use these resources, share them and pass them on, and recommend them to others, descriptions of small sections will be available to let people know what is on offer. The first is a list of DVD’s for adults and children. A copy of the list is available to view on the website and there is also a laminated copy on display in the Heritage Room. The full collection of resources and descriptions will be on the shelves and available for people to read and borrow very soon.
List of DVD’s which you can borrow – View
Please can you let others in the circuit know that these resources are now available? They can be used by other churches, Youth For Christ, or anyone else who may find them useful either personally or in ministry. If anyone is interested to see a summary of the whole collection, they can log on to the Trust’s website, where the full catalogue is listed under its title “Speaking Volumes” – . Katherine would be happy to speak to anyone who is interested in placing Christian books in public places, such as schools, libraries, prisons, hospitals, care homes, etc, to see how this match-funding charity can help. If you would like to contact Katherine, please leave a message on our Contact Us page.
As the evenings are still long and dark, a DVD to watch, either alone or with friends or family, may be an ideal opportunity to shed a little more light on our Christian journeys. Thank you for helping to spread the word.